Epsom salt, also known chemically as magnesium sulfate. It has many interesting uses within your home. Grab that carton from under the sink and put it to use in these clever ways.
What Is Epsom Salt?
Epsom salt (or “salts”) was first discovered in the waters of a town called Epsom, in England. In the 17th century there are records of people taking advantage of its natural properties. It was once the most popular medicine in England.
The astounding health benefits and versatility of Epsom salt, and the fact that it’s affordable–make it an must-have in every home medicine cabinet. Check out these cures:
1. Alleviate Body Aches
One of the main applications for Epsom salts is for treating bodyaches. The magnesium and other components are absorbed by your skin and can alleviate pains and aches that result by tension and inflammation. Epsom salt removes toxins from your body to relieve swelling, sprains and bruises. For use, put 2 cups Epsom salt to your bath and soak yourself for at minimum 20 minutes.
2. The Sleep and Stress Aid as well as the Stress Relief
If your body is lacking in magnesium, it will decrease your serotonin levels that can cause sadness, and also impacting your appetite and your sleep. If you soak in Epsom salts baths help your body in the release of serotonin. Magnesium contained in Epsom salt not only helps reduce stress and improve your mood, but also aids in sleep. Additionally, studies have shown that people suffering from Lyme disease will greatly benefit from Epsom salt baths. Make sure that the water you are using is not too hot (keep it at 95 F).
3. Healthy Feet
Not only do Epsom salt relax tired feet, it can also be utilized to treat athlete’s foot and toenail fungus. Add 1/2 cup to warm water and soak the feet.
4. Constipation Relief
In cases of mild constipation, Epsom salt can be taken internally to act as a gentle laxative. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of plain (no fragrances) in 8 eight ounces. of water and drink. It is always wise to consult a doctor prior to using any substance internally.
5. Anti-Inflammatory
Epsom salt is a great anti-inflammatory, and has been proven to decrease inflammation while also improving flexibility of arteries. Bathe yourself in an Epsom salt bath a few times a week to lower inflammation which can cause joint pains.
6. Sunburn Relief
After a long day on the beach, it’s not uncommon to get ourselves bottles of the more frequently used aloe vera in order to calm sun-burned skin. Epsom salt’s anti-inflammatory qualities make it a great alternative to get rid of the effects of excessive sun exposure. In a spray bottle that is empty add 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt with 1 cup of water. Spray the area affected.
7. Splinter Removal
Sharp splinters can lead to painfully scratching our skin using the help of tweezers. Instead, try soaking in a tub of Epsom salts first. This can increase the osmotic force of the skin, which will draw the splinter to the surface. The magnesium will also help reduce the inflammation around the splinter, making it much easier to get rid of. If you only have a toe finger, dissolve 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in a cup of warm water and then soak.
8. Exfoliator
It’s not necessary to break the bank on expensive spa treatments or exfoliants. Epsom salt is a fantastic natural exfoliant. It helps to remove dead skin cells and impurities, add a teaspoon in your usual facial wash, and gently rub it in a circular motion, and wash off.
9. Acne Treatment
Epsom salt is also a powerful natural cleanser for your face, with antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. This makes it a fantastic option to treat acne. Before bed, mix a 1 teaspoon Epsom salt with your regular facial cleanser and wash just like normal.
10. Blackhead Banisher
Alongside removing dead skin cells and removing blemishes, Epsom salt works well at extracting blackheads. Mix one tsp of Epsom salt with four drops of iodine the water for a half cup. Stir until dissolved. After cooling, gently massage the mixture on the skin affected, then dry completely, wash using warm water, then pat dry.
11. Healthy Hair
The body won’t only be grateful to you for incorporating Epsom salt to your routine, but your hair will also be benefited. To eliminate buildup of hair products and styling products such as hairspray mix 1 cup each of Epsom salt and lemon juice in one gallon of water. Cover the mix and let it sit for 24 hours before using. Simply sprinkle the mixture on hair and let the mixture sit for around 15 minutes. Wash and condition as usual. To increase the volume of your hair, combine the equal amount of shampoo and Epsom salt. Apply the mixture to your hair and allow it to sit for 20 minutes. The Epsom salt is a great way to remove excess oil that weighs down hair.
12. Hand Wash with Moisturizing
Want the softest hands you can have? Blend equal quantities of Epsom salt with olive oil, baby oil, or. Keep the hand cleanser that moisturizes in glass bottles and place it next to the sink. Massage the cleanser into your hands and rinse it off after washing your hands.
13. Cold and Flu Relief
Indulging in an Epsom bath will improve your immune system by creating more white blood cells that aid in fighting off infections. Epsom salt baths also relieve muscles and soreness, which aids in restorative sleep and help fight off infection. Include a few drops eucalyptus oil in the bath to help you breathe easier.
14. Poison Ivy Relief
A cold Epsom salt compress can give some relief to those suffering from poison ivy by relieving inflammation and swelling. Soak a cotton washcloth with an Epsom salt solution and water (2 tablespoons Epsom salt as well as 1 cup of cold water) Then, squeeze it out and then apply it to your affected area.
15. Bug Bite Relief
To ease the itchiness of bug bites, mix half a cup of hot liquid and 1/2 a cup of Epsom salt in the spray bottle. Spray onto the affected skin. This spray can also be used for the causes of itchy skin.
16. Pans, Pots Pans Scrubber
The rough texture of the salt crystals help to remove stuck-on food, without hurting the cookware. Simply pour a small amount of Epsom salts on your pans and pots before the scrub.
17. Grout Cleaner
Mix equal amounts of Epsom salts and liquid dish soap for a highly effective tile and grout cleaner. Apply this mix to the stains in your kitchen or bathroom. Let it sit for a few minutes, scrub off dirt and then wash it off.
18. Washing Machine Cleaner
Your washing machine can get extremely gritty. When you use it laundry detergent, and other dirt build up inside machines. Epsom salt helps keep the washing machine in good working order by removing unwanted gunk. Fill the wash tub to the top with boiling water. Add 1 Qt of white vinegar, and one cup Epsom salt. Let the machine agitate for a few minutes, and then put the machine down to allow the solution to sit in the machine for about one hour before continuing to complete the process. Perform a rinse before adding clothing.
19. Helper In The Yard and Garden
The benefits of Epsom salt do not stop at home. Visit the garden and magnesium sulfate is excellent for adding green to your garden and fertilizing your plants. It can also eliminate unwanted pests and slugs. Simply sprinkle the garden with a line to keep them away.
According to studies, have shown that magnesium and sulfur, two naturally occurring minerals that are major components in Epsom salt, can help plants grow greener , with higher yields and blooms. Magnesium helps create an environment that is conducive to growth by helping seeds to germinate, boosting the production of chlorophyll and improving the uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus. Sulfur is also an essential ingredient in the growth of plants, helping produce vitamins.
Add Epsom salt to your soil before planting vegetables can give it a boost of magnesium (test soil first for deficiency). Sprinkle Epsom salt on your plants to promote healthier foliage. One tablespoon per 12 inches tall (once a month). Tomato plants are also benefited by Epsom salt treatments–just give your plants 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt, dissolved in the water of a gallon every two weeks. The plants that are acid-loving, such as hydrangea as well as roses, azaleas blueberry, rhododendrons, and hibiscus also benefit from the treatment.
20. Healthier Plants
If your plants are turning yellow in your house, they may have magnesium deficiencies. Epsom salt is the solution! Try adding a teaspoon Epsom salt to a gallon of water and drinking as usual as well as spraying foliage with solution, to help them grow more lush and green.
Important: Epsom salt is not an all-purpose fertilizer. It can help create healthier, greener, bushier houseplants , but only if the plants lack magnesium or sulfate.