Globally, it’s an industry with a value in excess of $22 billion. The growing popularity of vaping is showing no signs of slowing at the moment. So why do people vape?
#1 A better alternative to smoking cigarettes.
European Union statistics for tobacco smokers who consume at least 20 cigarettes per day on basis of European basis place the UK in the fourth spot. As of the summer of less than 15 percent of UK population was smoking cigarettes or tobacco-related substances for the first time in a percentage had dropped to this minimally.
Many smokers choose vaping to help stopping smoking, however, it’s not unusual to find smokers who have quit who are turning to vaping to replace smoking. As smoking rates decrease in the UK and the amount of vapers increase but there are no numbers or facts about the number of vapers who are ex-smokers. According to the 2017 statistics from the Office of National Statistics, 5.5 percent (just less than 3 million from the UK population) frequently vape.
The idea of using vaping to replace smoking is logical in several ways. In addition to replacing the habit of “hand to mouth” method that is deeply embedded in smokers – vaping in public is much more popular than smoking cigarettes.
Making the switch from smoking cigarettes to vaping isn’t as straightforward as many people make it out. There are cravings and withdrawal symptoms however for many smokers, vaping can be an enjoyable experience that can replace their desire for cigarettes.
#2 Save money
Vaping can be expensive If you allow it go unnoticed. There are the devices to purchase that can range from low-cost to premium and there’s an ever-growing variety of flavor options… You can see the picture. You can limit your design vaping goals and what you will get is an enjoyable experience that doesn’t come with a expensive price.
Since the last round budgetary increases the cost of a packet of cigarettes is $10.76 Based on the Office of National Statistics (ONS) price data for averages (back to 1987 when they cost $1.34 for a pack!). Based on ONS information, the average smoker consumes 11.3 cigarettes per day. In a 7-day period, this is 79.1 cigarettes for the hefty $43.04 every week.
To get started There are a myriad of beginning kits, however, a mid-range vaporizer clocks at an affordable $24. After that initial investment you can pick a variety of flavored juices to select from, with top-quality products that start at $3 per bottle. Even if you’re a big vaper habit, you’ll be unable to come close to the amount you’d spend taking in by smoking 11.3 cigarettes a day.
In reality, people who use vapes tend to be a more discerning lot. Vaping is like smoking cigarettes in only a few ways however, with it being a pastime for a lot of people, it’s not always about having a hit just to satisfy a desire or smoking due to an urge to satisfy.
#3 Something Different The joys of e-juice flavors
There are eliquids with tobacco flavours that are perfect for pipe smokers made of cream and cherry tobacco to satisfy the sweet tooth, or eucalyptus for a minty smoke. For those who smoke cigarettes the variety of flavors is almost impossible.
For those who love to vape, there’s an endless range of flavours and strengths, something that appeals to many. From strawberry milkshakes to cherry cola e-liquids, an entire array of concepts and experiences is waiting for the modern day vaper.
#4 A new pastime
At first there was a very limited selection of e-cigarettes and vaporisers to pick from, and smaller in terms of the flavors of e-juice. With time the options for the hardware started to expand, along with the flavors, the tanks and coils. Naturally, the advancements in technology also offered the user a better experience.
If you have an interest in learning and the ability to design and innovate, vaporizers can be made and taken down. If you’re a person who likes to play with and experimenting with vapor it has brought a whole new world of entertainment right to the palm of their hand.
Much like those who love automobiles and tinkering underneath the hood There’s an ever-growing number of vapers who design and modify their own devices.
#5 How to become an expert in vaping
What will vaping with a higher wattage does? How do you create large clouds when you vape? What is the process to create your own flavored E-juice? It is a subject of debate, debate, and growth the vaping industry is at its infancy for many reasons which means that it’s the perfect time to invite experts into the mix.
A typical vaper might not be concerned about these issues or the answers in total sincerity, however similar to those who consider vaping as a pastime there’s a growing number of vapers who are testing the limits of vaping as well as current technology to the edge. It may take a long length of time to understand all the nuances of vaping. However, in doing so, you’ll be embarking on a rewarding journey.
#6 To chill and relax
The modern world is stressful. With the constant flow of text messages, tweets, and notifications of all things occurring at any moment around the globe, separating all this chaos is an overwhelming task.
Yoga running, running, climbing hills, or reading books… there are so many alternatives for relaxing, de-stressing and unwinding. Vaping is also a possibility.
It’s a popular belief that all e-juices contain nicotine. It’s not true. There are many non-nicotine flavor such as Black Tea described as ‘just to have fun’. This means that the process of smoking, the intense exhalation and inhalation, leave you feeling incredibly chilled after another hard week of pounding the pavement of work and life.
#7 It’s a thing that’s social.
It’s not necessary to smoke as everyone else does the same way you don’t need to smoke like your friends or drink as they drink as they. Vaping isn’t about following an e-cigarette or joining the latest trending fad.
There is an enjoyable social aspect to vaping that we do not observe with other behaviors. Being part of the huge group of vapers isn’t a good thing, as shown by the growing popularity of shows and events such as Vape Jam UK. With events taking place in London and Liverpool many vapers are expected to get their hands on the latest developments in vaping.