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Living With Long Covid – Podcast

There are early signs the UK may be at the start of a new wave of Covid infections as new variants and subvariants begin taking hold in a population at risk of waning immunity.

For many people it will mean a bout of illness that can last a couple of weeks, but for others it could be the start of a cluster of syndromes known as long Covid. As the Guardian science correspondent Linda Geddes tells Hannah Moore, at least 2 million Britons are struggling with long Covid, and the NHS’s response, according to the Royal College of Nursing, is “woefully inadequate”.

It’s a sentiment echoed by Lesley Macniven, who caught Covid in March 2020 and still has symptoms more than two years later. She describes the frustrations that she and other “long-haulers” face when dealing with the health service.

Photograph: Amir Cohen/Reuters Support The Guardian

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